Become a member of Action Porty
If you are a local to Porty, then please sign up to become a member of Action Porty before Sunday early evening, 11th September.
A quarter of Portobello’s voters have already registered their backing for this attempt to secure Bellfield Church and Halls for the community, and we have every chance of securing Scottish Government support for this community buy out, and securing the funding we need to do so.
Please go HERE and join Action Porty. Joining is free, but note that if you have already registered your support with us online then you may be asked to 'update your preferences’. Please do, click through, show your support and let’s get this first urban Community Right to Buy registration in place to save the church and halls for community use. We need to submit our registration first thing Monday morning and we need as many local members as possible by then.
Next date for the diary:
24th September at Portobello Library (10.30 to 12.30 and 1.30 to 3.3) will be an open day for getting your suggestions and feedback on plans for the buildings. We look forward to seeing you there!