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News from the AGM

A big thank you to everyone who came along to our recent, inaugural, Annual General Meeting at Bellfield on 18th January 2018. As well as being an opportunity to meet other members and find out more about plans in progress to re-open the building, we heard the Chair's report (presented by vice-Chair Alastair Cameron, on behalf of our Chair, Justin Kenrick, who was called away to work in Africa - Chair’s report to Action Porty AGM, 18th January 2018). We were also able to move forward on some official matters:- The original Friends of Bellfield group set up to support the Bellfield has now been disbanded and incorporated into Action Porty.- When Action Porty was formed it was a legal requirement to define a catchment area from which to seek a mandate for our Community Right to Buy Bellfield. We can now extend that boundary, so a motion was passed at the AGM to define our new, larger, catchment area.If you are interested in joining Action Porty, please check the new boundary here to see if your address is now included (membership is free but we should mention that full members are liable for £1 if the charity goes under!)- Action Porty Board members Alastair Cameron and Tim Warren stepped down from the Board at the AGM, so a huge thank you its due to them for all their hard work and commitment. We warmly welcome our new Board members, Alan Simpson and Al Reid.